Making Great Websites is a set of slides I used last night when I spoke to the Annual General Meeting of the Voluntary Resource Centre (which, as it turns out, doesn’t have a website).
Making Great Websites is a set of slides I used last night when I spoke to the Annual General Meeting of the Voluntary Resource Centre (which, as it turns out, doesn’t have a website).
Direct and clear! I’m the
Direct and clear! I’m the volunteer behind,,,, and which happens in Summerside and Charlottetown Nov 7-10th. Dirty show, clean show. French show english show.
Thank you for the direction! It’s a jungle out here.
I typo’d my URL in the
I typo’d my URL in the previous post, can you take an ‘n’ out of for me? Can you make your comments editable by the poster, that’d be cool.
Loved the slide show! It’s
Loved the slide show! It’s refreshing to read something realistic and practical as opposed to “let’s shoot for the stars but get nowhere” web design philosophies.
And the idea of adding a Web Manager to a board- Brilliant!!! And often overlooked!
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