Another Meraki Update

Peter Rukavina

It’s been almost two weeks since I last updated you about my little community wireless experiment. Here are the latest stats:

  • 4.4 GB of data transfered in total
  • 47 unique users
  • Identifiable users: Amanda, Ann, Carol, Kritin, Lola, Manuel, Margaret, Michelle, Mike and Tosh.
  • Amanda has used the most bandwidth, transferring 1GB of data over the month.
  • Thank-you email messages received: 1 (from Kenny; thanks!)
  • Access point hit: Front of House, 30 users; Back of House, 3 users; Coles Building, 14 users.


Submitted by Jevon on


I just put in an order for 3.

Think we could convince City Hall to let us put one, or a few, up on the tower at the corner of Kent and Queen?

Submitted by andy on



do you use the monetize feature? I haven’t seen any screenshots of that page from the dashboard yet and I was wondering what it does. Do users hit a splash page before they get online?


Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


I’ve applied for, and have been granted access to the “monetize” feature, but I haven’t rolled it out. I *have*, however, added a “splash page” for the current (free) access, which is quite configurable, and is smart enough to redirect web browsers, but not other traffic (at your option) so, for example, people can check email without having to see the splash.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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