Timothy's Moving to University Avenue

Peter Rukavina

Looks like [[Timothy’s]], where you’ll find me for morning coffee and bagel many mornings, is moving around the corner to the space occupied by [[Café Soleil]] back in the 1990s. I just talked to impresario Campbell Webster about the move: their lease was up and they jumped at the chance to move to a bigger space.

Things are moving fast — they have to be out of the old space by August 31st. The new space, Campbell says, is twice as large, and so they should be a lot more room to ramble. Next door there’s a vintage clothing slash music shop moving in, and the two will be connected at the middle to afford cross-pollination opportunities.


Submitted by John Boylan on


Vinyl lp enthusiasts across the greater Charlottetown area are very much looking forward to the openning of The Green Man in that space. Vintage clothing sounds cool too!

Submitted by marc_n on


Does anyone know what is moving into the old Timothy’s location? Just wondering if something is going on in that general location of Kent St. Demolition for something (I don’t know what) was going on at the Old Sam the Record Man store several months ago, but it doesn’t seem like much has happened since

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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