Nickel. Back.

Peter Rukavina

The Guardian is reporting that Nickelback to rock city this summer This is something, alas, confirmed by the tourismocrats responsible themselves.

My ears are still ringing from the last appearance of Nickelback on [[Charlottetown]]’s waterfront — sitting in my living room, 5 blocks away, it literally sounded like I was sitting right at the waterfront.

The return of Nickelback is a testament to my awesome powers of prediction.

While I’ve obviously retained my old “where do these people get off renting out my neighbourhood for 3 days to become a rock concert venue without consulting with me or compensating me” feelings about this issue, the return of Nickelback unleashes an entirely new “do these people really have no imagination” level of vitriol.

Oh for the days of Lennie Gallant in a tent playing solo-acoustic.


Submitted by Stan Rogers on


What if the trade off had been more explicit? If the City council had said we are going to sink a ton of money into the waterfront and tear down the crappy old CN buildings but in exchange we are going to use it to hold a loud concert once per year would you still be sour? Considering the improvements they have done (and I assume the resulting increase in property values) would you still think it was unfair?

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


“Stan,” I would agree with your thesis if Confederation Landing Park had been originally built as a concert venue. But it wasn’t. And the scale of the events held there when we bought our house in 2000 was modest and appropriate to the facilities.

Submitted by Don on


Actually I think Stan is completely wrong. The “crappy old CN buildings” should have been kept and PEI should have retained its railway. Now in this age of environmental awareness, the absence of rail service and our complete and utter reliance on trucks for freight is appalling. But hey - truckers get votes, common sense doesn’t. So guess who wins out? Asphalt pigs…. and by the way, welcome to the modern economy.

If that was a still a rail yard, you wouldn’t have to worry about concerts at the old Texaco tank farm Peter. The snobs in Brighton would be holding their ears as “Nickelback” and every other useless manufactured pop/rock band would be playing in Victoria Park at the old band shell.

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