My New UPEI Library Card

Peter Rukavina

I mentioned this five years ago, but it bears repeating: Prince Edward Island residents can pay $10 for a “community ID” and get borrowing privileges from the Robertson Library at the University of PEI. Mine was due for an update — since I originally got it many years ago they went all “smart card” — and so I stopped in today and got a new one:

My UPEI Library Card

My operative G. tells me that I can somehow parlay this into a card that lets me add cash and use the photocopier in the library too, but I haven’t tried that yet.

Holland College extends similar privileges to Islanders.

Add to this the feature of that lets you request items from the Provincial Library, Holland College and UPEI collections be delivered to your local library.

PEI residents have excellent, free access to a stunning array of library resources.


Submitted by Larry on


You can also get a free library card through the PEI Provincial Library at any public library branch and access their databases as well as their new downloadable audiobook service. The link is on their AbbyCat catalogue at

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


As explained here, these “downloadable audio books” are wrapped in Microsoft DRM, and cannot be played on computers (like Mac and Windows machines) that aren’t equipped with Microsoft Windows Media Player version 9.0 or higher “capable of playing Windows WMA files encrypted with Digital Rights Management.”

For less-encumbered audio books, try Gutenberg: The Audio Books Project.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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