Are you my friend?

Peter Rukavina

The snazzy new reboot 9.0 website has some social networking jazz built in. Like Flickr when you add a new contact you can mark them as simply a plain vanilla “contact” or as a “friend.”

Sometimes the distinction is clear, but often it’s not. What exactly is the difference? I ended up marking some people as contacts, others as friends, and used the “have I ever eaten a meal with this person” as a dividing line. But that seemed unnecessarily arbitrary.

Thank goodness they don’t have “good friend” and “mild friend” and “close friend” as further choices.


Submitted by Olle Jonsson on


When the website asked me if the contact I was adding was “known” or “friend”, I thought the former alternative meant that I was somehow aware of this person’s being a famour rockstar, letting me broadcast which people were on my “intellectual radar”. I found it weird, and it was a few moments before I got the gist.

Would anyone be interested in a list of the participants I have heard of previously?

Submitted by Thomas on


Hmm, it was a case of the logic being in the software to begin with - we don’t need different levels of relationships.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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