Baba O'Riley

Peter Rukavina

Let’s all take a minute this morning and honour Baba O’Riley. Perhaps neutered somewhat by its role as the theme music for CSI:NY, but a great song nonetheless.


Submitted by al on


Hah, I was just coming here to mention the PJ version. They played this when I saw them last in St. John’s, second last song of the night as the arena lights were coming on. It killed.

Submitted by Krista on


Wow, I was coming to comment on PJ’s cover too! There are so many great live Pearl Jam versions. Baba O’Riley and Neil’s Rockin’ in the Free World are great PJ concert closers! Al did you go to both NL shows? Good times!

Submitted by oliver on


I loved it once, and I’m sure I’d get into it if I were listening, but my idea of it feels tainted somehow. I imagine I’d be embarrassed if somebody caught me savoring it without irony. Anyway, haven’t we been fooled again and again and out the whazoo since 1971? Or with what group are “we” identifying ourselves then? It’s preaching silent rebellion really, but with so much heart and so loudly it feels powerful and gratifying. That’s why the song goes so well with 20th century middle-class puberty, I suppose.

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