The Comeback Year

Peter Rukavina

Picking up The Guardian early this morning in [[Timothy’s]], this is the flag on the front page I came across:

The Guardian Flag

And this is what my eye was drawn to:

The Guardian Flag Zoomed In

And they say graphic design doesn’t matter.


Submitted by Ron Walsh on


Who says graphic design doesn’t matter. Your point is well illustrated.
For that matter I find the redesign of the Guardian to not be an improvment at all. AlthoUgh I have read comments to the contrary.

Submitted by Jason on


I can see your point….but i also see what the designer was trying to do, and the headline doesn’t match the Saddam picture if you look at it closer. The vertical line and the sports box header is almost a bracket to the sports story and the picture….likewise for the relevant Saddam header.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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