Almost Off to Italy

I’m off to Italy tomorrow night for a two-week “working vacation.” I was corresponding with a new Plazes contact in Japan a month ago and mentioned this term and it made no sense to him; for me it means “relocating my regular everyday life to a new location for a couple of weeks, but continuing to do the same work I do, just eating different food, hanging out with different people and sleeping in a different bed.”

I’ve added my itinerary to the Rukapedia should you wish to play along from home (or if you’d like to have a Ligurian lunch, or you need to track me down to tell me that I left the tap running in the bathroom).


Marian's picture
Marian on November 24, 2006 - 19:09 Permalink

Bon Voyage. I love Italian food. I am jealous.

David Richardson's picture
David Richardson on November 25, 2006 - 02:24 Permalink

A change is as good as a rest. :-)