Letter from Panama

Those of you in Charlottetown may know Cynthia Mulder, née Cudmore, sister of Chris and daughter of Brian and Beth. Cynthia is quite a nomad and has recently landed in Panama after several years in Japan. She’s written an article about the experiences that saw she and her family make Panama their new home. It starts:

Almost five years ago, we stepped off the Isla Taboga ferry on a bright sunny morning with the intention to explore.


Lori's picture
Lori on September 10, 2005 - 05:37 Permalink

Sister of Chris AND of Carolyn. A wanderer as well, working for CIDA.

Faith MacLeod's picture
Faith MacLeod on September 25, 2006 - 12:58 Permalink

Hi, Happened on this by chance, from PEI living in Montreal. Planning a trip to Panama. My brother is John MacLeod from PEI…. Sherry had mentioned a PEI family living in Panama. Thought I’d drop a note!