Cough, Cough, Cough

Peter Rukavina

Over the last 7 days I’ve developed an annoying deep, throaty cough. I have no other symptoms: I’m not congested, itchy, fatigued, or achy. My cough is, in medical parlance, “non-productive” — I’m not “coughing anything up.” It’s most noticeable in the morning and in the evening, and disappears to almost nothing by midday. If I can get to sleep, I don’t cough through the night, and I sleep soundly. Any ideas what I might be suffering from?


Submitted by Charles on


Try gargling with a mixture of salt and baking soda in hot water (a couple tablespoons of baking soda and a teaspoon of salt disolved into a cup of water.) If the back of your throat gets irritated you’ll get coughing fits, and the salt cleans it out. I think the baking soda just keeps you from gagging on the salt-water, but it may have some other folk-medicine purpose. A hot cup of coffee might help as well.

Submitted by Kevin on


If it continues, have a look for sources of mildew or mold — some species of those things can trigger alergies even in people who don’t ususally suffer.

Submitted by oliver on


Bronchitis? I’m not sure what bearing “productivity” has on whether it’s viral or bacterial or allergic, but if there’s any danger of a lung infection, I imagine you ought to at least talk to a nurse.

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


While my cough is entering its second week, it has now spread to Oliver, and possibly to Catherine. Which, although bad for them, reassures me somewhat that I’m not slowly wasting away from a degenerative lung condition.

Oliver visited the doctor today and was told that it was likely a viral thing. They took a throat swab to be sure and we’ll know more on Monday.

Cough… cough… cough.

Submitted by Rob L. on


I spent about 8 weeks last winter coughing like a maniac after initially deciding that I would try to ride it out and recover “naturally” for once, without antibiotics. After painfully blowing out my rib cartilage from all the violent hacking, I finally broke down and begged my doctor for drugs. I asked, “What did people do before antibiotics?”. “They died”, he said. The moral of the story is that letting nature takes its course does not always result in the desired effect. Bring on the antibiotics indeed.

Submitted by Ann on


Walkin’ pneumonia?

Boogie woogie blues also?

Take care of yourself - it can be more dangerous than it feeels.

Submitted by Silent Bob on


it sounds to me like you’ve been sucking too much cock.
lay off it for a few days and your throat will get better & your cough will go away.

trust me.
i’m a hooker.

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