David Smith's Delicious

Peter Rukavina

I’ve been subscribing to David Smith’s del.icio.us links since I heard him speak at [[reboot]] back in June. Perhaps because we appear to have a significant interest overlap, I find three or four very useful things in the stream every day. This is notable for me because it’s the first time I’ve every truly profited from the “social” part of “social software” — before this I’d only ever use del.icio.us as a souped-up bookmarks menu.


Submitted by Richard on


One feature that could make del.icio.us feel a little more “social” is by adding a ‘via’ feature. I’ve been tagging my bookmarks with “via:” plus the del.icio.us username of the person I got the link from. I’d love to be able to display a cloud of where I get the most links from, for example, so that others can tell who I think links to the best stuff. Too bad the http://del.icio.us/via namespace is taken up (their decision to have usernames at the top level of their URLs wasn’t such a great one), though only with two links, so maybe del.icio.us might be able to re-claim it.

I don’t subscribe to anybody’s del.icio.us feed directly: I use the ‘network’, formerly known as the ‘inbox’. It allows me to subscribe to one RSS feed and manage it through the del.icio.us interface.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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