Black Friday

Peter Rukavina

Tomorrow is “Good” Friday. So we’ve all got the day off (or at least free to engage in solemn remembrance, etc.). For we of the tea-drinking persuasion, however, the day brings danger: Shoppers Drug Mart is out of Honest Tea, both outlets of the [[Formosa Tea House]] will be closed for the day, as will [[Interlude]] and [[Monsoon]]. Perhaps I’ll have to make my own tea.

[[Catherine]] has an appointment out in Hunter River for the day, and [[Oliver]] and I might use the opportunity for a drive to loop up to PEI National Park for a hike in the woods. Perhaps they’ll have tea on in Rustico?

At least we’ve got a free pass from doing yard work; according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Creoles of Louisiana believed that if the ground were cut open on this day, Christ’s blood would run out into the rows.

We wouldn’t want that to happen, would we.


Submitted by Ann on


For the very reason that you would get like a million people in your yard to look at it as the Tignish shroud has been put away for Easter.

And there would be no place for all those people to park.

Submitted by Alan on


To my youthful yet Scots Presby eyes, I found it very odd that certain high Anglicans of Kings College Halifax circa 1983 took the end of the as opportunity to get well into their cups of sub-moderate quality sherry all over the wonder of the resurrection. I have never seen this religious practice repeated so it may have been a ploy.

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