Our Generous University Library

Peter Rukavina

If you live in a place other than Prince Edward Island, try this: walk into the library of the biggest university in your province or state, and tell them that you, a normal everyday civilian otherwise unaffiliated with the university in any way, would like a library card. Dollars to donuts they will either laugh at you, or charge you $150.

Here on Prince Edward Island, at UPEI, they will charge you a one-time $10 fee for a photo ID card, and then give you a library card, for free, that will let you take out books from the Robertson Library.

I obtained such a card about 11 years ago, and I went in to use it for the first time in about 6 years tonight and checked out three books with no problems.

I laud UPEI for its inclusiveness in this regard: sharing your resources with the community at large makes sense, and makes we out here feel more apart of you in there. Thanks.


Submitted by Jarret on


I agree. The library at UPEI is great.
As you mentioned, they make a concerted effort to serve not only the UPEI community, but also the people of PEI.

It must also be mentioned that, having used the libraries at many other universities, I am yet to find a librarian staff that is as helpful as those at UPEI. They are first class!

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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