We’re into the last week of free access to the digital channels in our cable package — you know, those ones like “National Geographic Channel” and “Game Show Network” that have tiny subscriber bases and very, very narrowly focused programming.
With the exception of English Teachers: Taiwan, which I’ve become addicted to, and the occasionally novel BBC Kids, I can’t say as though I’ve found much that I couldn’t do without. In fact it seems that most of the programming on most of the digital channels most of the time is either Frontiers of Construction or Opening Soon.
But I did record Die Hard II last night on Scream, a channel that plays nothing but horror movies. Wow: people don’t swear like they used to in movies back in the 90s; what happened?
I think what happened is they
I think what happened is they stopped making R-rated action movies when they realized pg-13 ones could make an even bigger killing at the box office.
They don’t? You’ve never seen
They don’t? You’ve never seen “Phonebooth” have you?
Fudge if I know.
Fudge if I know.
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