European Trip Photos: Perusic and Konjsko Brdo

Peter Rukavina

From Gospic we drove north to the village of Perusic, and the turned right and, a few miles down a one-lane paved pathway, found the village of Konsjko Brdo, where my grandfather was born in 1903.

In addition to photos of the villages, I also took a series of photos of Rukavina gravestones. This covers about 2/3 of the Rukavina graves in the Perusic cemetery. These photos will be of most interest, perhaps, to others doing Rukavina genealogy.


Submitted by oliver on


Thanks, Peter. The world-heritage-site waterfalls were particularly amazing to see and it was very interesting to see the urban landscape at a lag from your experiential description, maybe because it lent more space for me to form my own instantaneous reactions and to have something to compare to yours. In my own I definitely see the effect of too many dracula movies and WWI newsreel.

Submitted by Bob Bankovic on


Hi, Peter, I wonder if you can describe locations of the pics taken in Konjsko Brdo. I grew up there and believe we are relatives (my mom was GRIVICIC). Excellent job, beautiful shots. So far from LA. Best regards, Bob.

Submitted by Ana Dasovic on


Hi, Peter!
My grandfather was from Perusic also. Do you have any relatives with this name? Dasovic?
Best regards Ana

Submitted by Theresa on


Hello Peter, visited Konjsko brdo in March 2023 to see where my father was born in 1923. Peter Grivicich. Been to cemetery and located great grandparents. Just starting my ancestory journey and hope to discover more. Any helpful advice appreciated. Cheers!

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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