New Tea House on Grafton?

Peter Rukavina

This just in: [[Johnny]] reports sighting a new tea house, “Aing’s Tea House,” on Grafton St. opposite the Polyclinic. Is it possible that Charlottetown is going to become the most cosmopolitan city in the Maritimes?


Submitted by Ann on


Well Peter, you were always wishing for tea.
Maybe now you could wish for something else as I think we have enough tea.
I have recently become a fan of the Tea Merchant and a tea they sell there called Good Balance, or some such new agey name. It’s a roofi or roobi or some such thing. Sorry to be so vague but it would become evident by looking at the menu. It’s very good.
Also like sitting right on Queen Street - it will be nice on a snowy day.

Submitted by Peter Lux on


We tried the sticky rice in bamboo and the dumplings last evening and were quite impressed with both. The puh na tea is quite different but grows on you. The service was good and quite personable. Notably, there were no offers to “biggy size” our order.

We’ll be visiting again for sure.

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