The Invigoration of Tod Maffin

Peter Rukavina

Yesterday at lunch we were discussing [[Tod Maffin]], the Wizard of Oz behind the worker side of the CBC lockout. I commented that, like Kevin Newman, Evan Solomon, and other boyish broadcasters, Tod sometimes comes off as being, for lack of a better word, “snippy.”

It’s not his fault, and there’s nothing he can do about it, but when you take boyish charm and add “authoritative futurist” content, sometimes it’s hard not to hear “full of himself.” I’ve suffered from this myself by times (although I think I’ve now lost all claims to appearing “boyish”).

In one fell swoop, however, Tod has managed to completely invigorate himself, both professionally and physically. In his How to Wax Your Ass podcast he takes the boyish charm, adds a wry sense of humour and a sprinkling of expletives, leaves aside the authoritative futurist and, well, gets his ass waxed.

I predict that Tod’s ass-waxing podcast will do for his career what Pulp Fiction did for John Travolta. Mark my words.


Submitted by Robert Paterson on


I have to admit - I LOVE TOD - When he took the summer spot on the 2-4 slot the show went from very dull to very interesting(This was post Bill R who I miss terribly)

I agree Peter - what a stunt and what an angle!

Submitted by Chris Corrigan on


I like Tod a lot too…blogged him yesterday in fact. He is like a 21st century Tintin, but instead of getting into trouble in Tibet or the Amazon, he gets his ass waxed.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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