The Complete New Yorker DVD is being released in just six days. There’s now a Flash demo of the interface available.
I ordered my copy back in June. My mind boggles in anticipation of its arrival: there are half a million pages over the 8 DVDs, covering 80 years of the magazine. I momentarily considered the notion of taking 6 months off just to read, but I realized that even with all that time I’d only make a dent in it. Perhaps I should buy a new laptop and have pages projected on the walls of wherever I am so that I can drink it all in by osmosis?

It’s a bit like the record
It’s a bit like the record collector with so many albums he’ll never be able to listen to them all in his lifetime.
What is it that makes us want all of something so badly?
I am going to put the word
I am going to put the word out to all my friends that my birthday is coming up (there’s also Christmas).
I really like my complete New
I really like my complete New Yorker. There’s a review here… with photos of the product.
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