Promoting Denmark to Foreign Workers

The Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation has a website called Work in Denmark created, they say, because:

Denmark needs foreign knowledge workers to contribute new expertise and thereby strengthen trade and industry, innovation and research in Denmark.

What’s nice about the site is that it isn’t the usual “we’re a world-class destination with leading-edge technology infrastructure that can be leveraged to maximize.” At least not entirely. There’s actually useful information there, like how to register for Kindergarten, how to get divorced and how to get your teeth fixed.

Here on Prince Edward Island, the excellent InfoPEI directory has much the same information; I like the Danish site, however, for its concise text, exclusive focus on foreign workers (like me), and clear organization.


Olle Jonsson's picture
Olle Jonsson on September 14, 2005 - 07:55 Permalink

I take this as tentative evidence of interest of coming to work in The Unmountained Land.

Bring it on.