Plazes on commandN

Peter Rukavina

Episode 14 of commandN, [[Amber MacArthur]]’s tech vidcast has just been posted. This is the episode where Amber interviews me about [[Plazes]].


Submitted by Rob L. on


The vid quality was fine… Amber just needs to be schooled in the pronunciation of your name! Rook not Ruck, is it not?

Submitted by oliver on


On balance your position that Plazes isn’t Orwellian comes out looking a little weaker to me after seeing CommandN cybercast only your point that it’s opt-in and jump cut out of there—presumably, for lack of compelling material. I stand by my point that it might just be the end of the world. Incidentally, re: the pick-of-the-Web pointer in the preceding segment, “The Elegant Universe” isn’t just a PBS Website and show but originally and (to me at least) foremostly a best-selling book by string theorist Brian Greene. Let’s not forget the world of print and ink!

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