The Human Race

Peter Rukavina

I’m not completely sure about this (Heisenberg and all), but I there’s a good chance that I’ve been taking the “race” in the phrase “human race” to mean “running race” as opposed to the (as it turns out, proper) “group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history” kind of “race.”

You know, we’re all in a hurry, striving together in a race for survival or a race for redemption or a race for perfection… that kind of thing.

File this under “ways in which Peter is an idiot.”


Submitted by Kevin O'Brien on


Perhaps originally from Readers’ Digest, but from my grey-cell rolodex at the moment, came this:

Men and Women chasing each other is what makes up the human race.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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