Mostly because [[Olle Jonsson]] pointed the way:
…I’ve added Gravatar support to the comments section of the blog. What this mean? Go and sign up for a Gravatar and upload a 80x80 pixel photo of yourself (it’s free). Then every time you post a comment here (assuming you use the same email address to identify yourself as you did when you got your Gravatar) than the boring textual wasteland of:

Will flower into the photo-rich paradise of:

Gravatar testing, 1,2,3….
Gravatar testing, 1,2,3….
It is nice to be such an
It is nice to be such an influence, and one day I might even take the time to… upload the plugin on my blog.
And done. Thanks for
And done. Thanks for inspiring, Peter.
I wanna play too!
I wanna play too!
Apparently Ruk provides the
Apparently Ruk provides the tipping point for us slices
To think I discovered
To think I discovered something before Peter. (Gravatars are also available on my comments)
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