The Guardian, RIP

Peter Rukavina

The Guardian, Charlottetown’s daily newspaper, used to have a nice, simple, quick-loading website. Starting today, alas, they no longer do. Sucked up like so many small dailies by the Borg of CanWest, The Guardian is now a generic part of the genericoverse (aka That’s too bad. I’ve removed my bookmark.


Submitted by Steven Garrity on


“nice, simple, quick-loading”? Are we talking about the same site that had a 200kb animated map of PEI on the front page? Agreed though - the new site is tr

Submitted by Andrew on


Are you sure this is a for ever thing? Maybe they are redesigning their own site? I hope so, cause I can’t read the editorals online anymore…

Submitted by Alan on


Global appears to be one of the stupidest media congloms going. Not that I liked the Guardian site but that thing called is a nightmare. Give them what they don’t want seems to be the message. Maybe it is run my those little dorky folk who dance in the Global TV promos.

Submitted by Mark McQuaid on


Andrew…If you read the little BS deal at the top of the new page you would see “Welcome to, the new online home of The Charlottetown Guardian” …sounds to be that it is a forever deal…sad fact..but alas nothing one can do about it.

Submitted by Mark McQuaid on


Andrew…If you read the little BS deal at the top of the new page you would see “Welcome to, the new online home of The Charlottetown Guardian” …sounds to be that it is a forever deal…sad fact..but alas nothing one can do about it.

Submitted by Mark McQuaid on


shit…sorry bout the double post…too many browser windows open and hit refresh on the wrong one….

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