For a long time the “house style” here on the blog has been to indent the second and following paragraphs by 2 ems. Daniel Burka once criticized this as being a “relic of print.” And it is.
Yesterday, as part of my wiki hacking, I thought to myself “it’s time to get with the program, leave print behind, and do with a more Daniel-approved ‘white space between paragraphs, no indent’ style.” So I did. The result is on the left in the image below:

I tried living with this style for almost 24 hours. But I couldn’t take it. Every time I opened my blog in a browser I recoiled in horror at the ugliness.
So this morning I have reintroduced this relic of print (witness right side of the image above). I’ll just have to live with Daniel’s contempt.
Amen. Daniel must die.
Amen. Daniel must die.
(Note, this is why
(Note, this is why politicians say context is so important for quotes).
As long as you don’t put this
As long as you don’t put this ugly way of writing into your feed (and I remember to not click through because of this), everything is half okay.
Half, because I usually click through to read text on the blog.
Hooray!Next we need an easy
Next we need an easy way to put two spaces after the end of a sentence.
I vote for white space. It
I vote for white space. It sort of gives the mind some time to relax between discrete thoughts. I find indent jumbled looking, what’s ugly about white space? Perhaps a half-space (LF) would suit the medium better.
I think we are just so
I think we are just so accustomed to indentation in text, print or otherwise, that that lack of them feels a bit alien, or wrong. We are taught to indent.
Is compromise possible? Indentation with a space between paragraphs?
artifact of print? next thing
artifact of print? next thing, we’ll be talking about this stuff as appearing on “pages” … .
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