Tall Ship Chronicles

Peter Rukavina

If you haven’t seen Tall Ship Chronicles on the Life Network, you really should tune in. Produced by Halifax-based Topsail Entertainment, the programme is 16-part documentary about the passage of the Barque Picton Castle around the world, from Lunenburg, NS, through the Panama Canal, the South Sea, Australia, South Africa and back to Lunenburg.

The show is hosted by Andrew Younghusband, actor and sometimes TV reporter; he is affable, an excellent narrator, and because he actually did the voyage as a bona fide crew member (which is the exception rather than the rule in “reality” television), is a compelling watch.

If you don’t pick up Life Network where you are, you can order the show on VHS from the Tall Ship Chronicles website


Submitted by mark shirreff on


loved the show…/hope andrew and lauren found eternal happiness in newfoundland…really want you to repeat the 16 shows again as I told everyone I know to watch…and I would look at it a third time myself…but do another one as well please

Submitted by alan hopwood on


I was totally entralled throughout the whole series, in particular the experiences of Andrew from being a complete “plonker” to becomming a seasoned seaman. The series provided me with a view of the world from a different perspective, that of the early navigators and sailors and how imense their struggles really were, without the advantages of satellite navigation and communications. The series kept me alive in anticipation of someone “decking” Captain Dan, though his apparent ‘lack’ of man-management skills, did in fact help develop the trainee crew members to become far more self and inter-reliant.
Looking forward to the sequel, does Andrew make an “honest woman” out Lauren and marry her or am I just too old fashioned? (Andrew, if you ever read this, “Plonker” is not a derogatory name)
South Wales U.K.

Submitted by Kevin Vaughan on


Hi there. I am a student currently studying in South Africa. I would like any information about how I could be a part of the crew, if there is to be another jorney. Even the name of the company who arranged the trip will help me alot. It has always been my dreem to sail around the wholed!

thank you
Kevin (South Africa.)

Submitted by NIGEL SAVAGE on



Submitted by K.G on


I would like to know how to get in touch with the company… I have always wanted to sail around the world!

Submitted by Daniel Caruana on


Great Show, but I would like to join part of the crew as for real not only watching and hoping sometime it will be my turn to join you if it will be possible again.

If any ex crew or crew read this just be in touch please,

Submitted by Marissa Gostanian on


I too would like to join the crew in another adventure. Please let me know if any of you have found out how to do such a thing!

Submitted by Courtney Donovan on


This documentry has changed my life..
It has made me realize that I need to travel and see the world.
It is really amazing too bacause i see Andrew Younghusband around town all the time and it reminds me about my passion to travel.
If i could see the world the best way to experience it would be through a tall ship.
If anyone has any advice for me or information on how to start such a journy please contact me.

Submitted by Sian on


This was an amazing documentary and I wish I could join them for their next trip but unfortunatly the UK is a little too far away and I have school to finish.

It has spurred me on to travel and possibly travel the world when I’m older, I did want to before but I was always holding back but after seeing this…I think anything is possible.

I have one question to ask though and please email me this answer if you know it. On the second to last episode before the journey ended back in Lunenburg, two of the girls were singing an old sea song right at the end of the programme and at night. What song was this? it’s annoyed me since and I don’t think I can wait for the series to be repeated.

^.^ thankyou for showing me that anything is possible.
Wales, UK

Submitted by felix on


The right stuff! Unfortunately I have only caught up from Bali. How can I get the Story up till there? Is the show available on VHS or DVD?

Tallship Chronicles - an 18-month voyage around the world with Picton Castle. Join TheEmpire.bz (free). Login. Then search (Browse) for "Tallship Chronicles" There are 16 eps.

Submitted by Gerald on


I really enjoyed Andrews documentry. Sorry to say i became wound up in it, as other people do with soaps!!I would like any info as to Andrew Younghusbands relationship with Lauren after the end of the trip?? About all i know of is his CBC RADIO spots

Submitted by Kevin on


I would love it if someone could dub me the series onto vhs; it’s no longer available online anywhere and Top Sail entertainment e-mailed me and said they would not make any more. I’m willing to pay for these dubs if at all possible!!! Thanks!!

Submitted by Steve on


I’m the same ‘Steve’ that posted the first comment on the board. I just finished re-watching the Panama-to-Galapagos segment, and am likely to continue watching to the end…for the third time.

I will soon read the entries from voyage III, on their website. I’m glad the ship and her captain are continuing their voyages. Opportunities to do something grand like that are rare in this world.

Hmmm. How much to sign on, again? ;)

Submitted by Domenique on


Tahnk goodness Travel Channel is re-running the show. I watched it from almost the end last time and this time I get to watch the entire thing. I would love to know how Andrew and Lauren are doing - please- someone get in touch.

Submitted by TaffmanToo on


There are thousands of people who have begged,borrowed,sold their houses etc to fullfill there dream of sailing the worlds oceans (myself included)A website that has been of great help to me is www.cruisenews.net which has the ongoing journals and photos of people who are living their dream.It is filled with advice and lessons learnt and every possible answer to any questions you may have …hope this helps …TaffmanToo

Submitted by Derek Cullen on


I watched the documentary in the summer gone (2005) on a weekend break in galway,west of ireland–2 of my friends(still hungover from night before) thought i was mad sitting up so early in the morning glued to the tv screen–ever since then ive been saving seriously to go travelling again(lived in germany and spain for a while) unfortunatly picton castle seems a little out of my league money wise though–Its only now after reading it on this website that ill stop searching for the dvd of the trip as ive been doing so till now!

Derek 23 Dublin Ireland

Submitted by Jess Ferreira on


I’m from Toronto, Ontario Canada. I actually took a road trip to the east cost of Canada this past May with my boyfriend who had lived in Halifax N.S. for about 15 years. He wanted to show me where he grew up. The last place we went before driving back was Lunenburg N.S. and I had promised my mother who like myself had become HUGE fans of the show, That I would go to Lunenburg and met Captan Dan and get his picture for her. I actually didn’t believe that it would happen. After spending the afternoon there, we found were we thought the Picton Castle was docked. So we were about to leave when we saw a tall ship coming into port and believe it or not it was the Picton Castle. The came into port and when Captain Dan came off I got my picture with Captain Dan and the Captain of the Bluenose 2 (I emailed my mom the pic’s to my mom that night and she was thrilled). As it turns out the ship was just coming in from the dry docks and would be leaving for another voyage in about a week. In town there is a store for the Picton Castle called the Cargo Hold on 188 Montague Street. We were its first customers as it was just opening that day and spent about $200 Cad we just couldn’t resist. :D Captain Dan told us that the dvd was not for sale anymore because of some legal matters that it tied up but there is a website with an e-store http://www.picton-castle.com/ If you wanna see the pic’s as well as some from Peggy’s Cove then go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/j…

Toronto Canada

Submitted by Cheryl on


AAARGH! I live in France and the UK travel channel ONLY shows tallship chronicles up to the episode where Lauren and Andrew split up (epi 5 I believe). WHAT HAPPENED???? I know it was 2002, but I want to know! Thanks!

Submitted by Donna on


I live in Ireland and want to see the whole show - only got to see 3 episodes. Does anyone have the DVD they would sell me as I notice they are no longer selling it? BTW Cheryl (above) I read an interview with Andrew Younghusband after his return and he was at that time living with Lauren so I guess they lived HEA!


Submitted by sanjay patel on


Gripping stuff, but I am concerned re Sven. Caught the episodes when Sven was taken off the boat on a stretcher destined for Cape Town fro an MRI sacn. Been on holiday myself and so missed a few shows and not sure what the diagnosis was with him. I am medical myself and so a reasonably accurate medical diagnosis from thr MRI scan is what I am looking for as the circumstances re the symptoms after a fall unusual. Does anyone know?

Submitted by Tam on


Hi im a student from Hungary and saw Tall Ship Chronicles only once, tonight. I feel i need to experience that vary diferent life, and let myself know what i am able to in my life.
I feel like i realy need to go for this trip ( or an other A.the W. trip).
If anybody knows whom and how to contact, or feels like i do, please contact me.
Thanx in advance, bye
Babud Tam

Submitted by Henk Potts on


Can anyone tell me if Lauren and Andrew are still together, I have driven my colleagues mad on the trading desk by insisting on watching TC every morning at 7am - just wondered how it worked out?

Submitted by David on


Sian asked some time back about the song sung by the 2 girls at the end.
It’s an old Scottish one and the title is “Sailing home to Mingleay (not entirely sure of the spelling)” - Alex Campbell was one folk singer who recorded it.
Yup - great series - just been watching it in Montenegro on the travel channel!

Submitted by J. on


David! I can’t find the lyrics or the song anywhere on the web. Could you send me the lyrics via e-mail or give me a URL to download? Thanks a lot!


Submitted by Marlena on


Henk: I know someone who recently worked with Andrew Younghusband. I asked him to ask Andrew if he and Lauren were still together. Sadly, it did not work out and she moved back to South Africa. BOOHOO!!!!

Submitted by wilf jones on


At Leigh folk club (Lancashire) some thirty odd years ago the song Sailing Homeward to Mingleay was one of our favourites and sung most weeks. As my grey cells diminish with age I have found that I can only remember the chorus and I have no idea who wrote it. But what a great song to sing around a table with a few pints under your belt - almost makes you want to take to sea yourself. If anyone out there has the lyrics or any other information about the song please let me know - I feel the need to “heave her head round” one more time.

Heave her home boys, let her go boys,
Heave her head round and pull together;
Heave her home boys, let her go boys,
Sailing homeward to Mingleay

Submitted by Wilf Jones on


Well there you go: a little bit of research reveals all and shows that my memory of the song was slightly dodgy.

The Mingulay Boat Song:

Heil ya Ho boys,
Let her go boys,
Swing her head round and all together,
Heil ya Ho boys, Let her go boys,
Sailing homeward to Mingulay.

What care we though white the Minch is,
What care we for wind or weather?
Heil ya Ho boys, and we’ll anchor,
As the sun sets on Mingulay.

Heil ya Ho boys,
Let her go boys,
Swing her head round and all together,
Heil ya Ho boys, Let her go boys,
Sailing homeward to Mingulay.

Wives are waiting by the quayside,
They’ve been waiting since break o’ day boys,
They are waiting for their loved ones,
As the sun sets on Mingulay.

Heil ya Ho boys,
Let her go boys,
Swing her head round and all together,
Heil ya Ho boys, Let her go boys,
Sailing homeward to Mingulay.

“Once owned by the MacNeil’s of Barra, the island of Mingulay is the largest of the small group of islands in the Outer Hebrides known as the Bishop’s Isles. There are 800 feet high cliffs at the southern tip of this island with stacks mentioned in some references. The island is quite small being 1 mile by 2 miles in extent. There are no inhabitants although there were 140 of them at the beginning of the century. It is now the domain of guillemots, kittiwakes and puffins particularly on the south west cliffs. You will need a fairly substantial boat to visit Mingulay.”

quoting this web page: http://www.scotsindependent.or…

Submitted by Shari Gayle on


Some bad news Henk: Marlena’s right. A friend told me he knows someone who was at a party with Andrew Younghusband and his GIRLFRIEND –- who is definitely NOT Lauren….unless she suddenly turned into a dark, spanish-looking woman. WAHHHHH

Submitted by Ryan Maharaj on


It has been killing me, but do any of you remember the exact island, I believe it was mentioned in episode 5, Tahiti to Cook Island, where the certain members of crew got their authentic sailor tattoos done. I would appreciate if any of you might remember.

Submitted by LJS Canuck on


I watched this show in 2003 on the Life Network in Canada. It came on at 11pm on Sundays in the winter time. Nobody I knew had ever even heard of the show, let alone watched it themselves. I never forgot this show and, ever since, I’ve been looking for it - or someone who knows about it…and here you guys are. This show warmed my heart (both literally and figuratively) and I’m glad more people than just myself got a chance to enjoy it too.

LJS Canuck

Submitted by Debbie on


Friday Dec 8,2006 The tall Ship “Picton Castle” lost a man over board near Cape Code Portsmith U.S.A. 25 year old Laura Gainey was swept overboard by a wave. She is a daughter of the Montreal Canadiens (hockey team) General Manager Bob Gainey. The U.S.A. and the Canadian Coast Guards are still looking for her even thou it has been over 30 hours in the water they feel the the waters are warm enough to survive. The ship was on its way to the caribbean waters. Ship owner of the “Picton Castle” Captain Dan Moreland said in a interview with CBC News that they don’t wear life jackets as the railing is to high. He is still hoping that she will be found. The Coast Guard said they haven’t encountered the life jackets that were throwen overboard when Laura first went over to help mark her position.

Submitted by chris on


I have contacted the owners of the copyright to the series ‘Tall Ship Chronicles’. They may be willing to make DVDs of the series if sufficient interest is evident. If you wish to obtain a copy then send me your name and phone number and e-mail address at ‘tallshipchronicles@hotmail.com’. This is not an order form so DO NOT INCLUDE ANY FINANCIAL INFORMATION. I am simply trying to assess potential demand.

Submitted by Billy Graham on


Yes I will buy a copy “guaranteed”, as we have been searching for yrs for even a used one. Phone 1-604-861-4259


Submitted by stuart on


For all of you who love the nautical adventures of TALL SHIP CHRONICALS
you can catch the entire series start to finish on the TRAVEL CHANNEL in UK Europe and South Africa SKY DIGITAL everyday this APRIL & MAY 2007.

To find out more head to our website www.travelchannel.co.uk



Submitted by Vicki on


Just to add to Stu’s comment, Tall Ship Chronicles’ fans should head to this new website: www.travelchannelvod.com - all the episodes are up there along with loads of other programmes.

Check it out, and let the saga of Lauren and Andrew continue!


Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


If you’re interested in the Picton Castle (the subject of Tall Ship Chronicles), you may want to look up a documentary put together by the CBC that covers and earlier voyage. We saw it on the Documentary Channel here in Canada, and the narrator and host was the same chap who does the regional “Land and Sea” program. It was well put together, and covered a lot more of the Nova Scotia end of things than Tall Ship Chronicles did.

Submitted by Dave on


The tallshipchronicals web link is obselete.

I’d love to get a copy of the video either in VHS or DVD.

It was a very compelling program.

Submitted by Aaron on


Has any one been able to get a dvd together of the show if so how does one get a copy of it
i seen that some one set up a hotmail acct i tryed to email it but it failed as for couldn’t find the acct

Submitted by trish on


Does anyone know any Canadian sights that are airing the full season?? I tried to go to the travel channel, and I saw that they are all there, but I cannot access it because I live in Canada. If no one knows a sight, does anyone know how to get through the copyright stuff that is blocking me?? PLEASE!!! I haven’t seen the show since 2003 and I’ve missed it greatly!

Submitted by steve on


I have been looking to buy this series since it aired…I had taped several episodes had I known how great it was I would never have erased them.
I am definately in for a copy VHS or DVD…..

Submitted by Trish on


I contacted the Picton Castle and they told me that the dvd and vhs rights belong to Topsail entertainment, and the executive producer Terry Fulmer. They said that there was insufficent intrest in the dvd/vhs for them to go through the expense, but it was recommened to contact him personally. I have not been able to find any websites for Topsail entertainment, but if someone has, please let me know!

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About This Blog

Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

To learn more about me, read my /nowlook at my bio, listen to audio I’ve posted, read presentations and speeches I’ve written, or get in touch (peter@rukavina.net is the quickest way). 

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