Livestream of Celebration of Life for Catherine Miller, January 20, 2020

Peter Rukavina

(Video of the Celebration of Catherine’s Life is here)

Welcome to this celebration of the life of our dear Catherine. We are here, in this place, because Catherine chose it. She wanted there to be words, and music, and food, and more joy than sorrow.

The structure of today’s celebration flows from Oliver’s mind, which takes great pleasure in grouping time into eras, in this case “childhood,” “young adulthood,” and “now” (an era that starts, logically, with his birth!).

– Marina, Peter and Oliver   


Age 0 to 15 (1963-1978)

  • Archdeacon John Clarke, Welcome and Prayer
  • Jim Kerr (Uncle)
  • Michael Pendergast, Caledonia (Dougie MacLean, 1977)

“Young Adulthood”

Age 16 to 36 (1979-1999)

  • Ann Thurlow
  • Silva Stojak
  • Tony Reddin, Big Yellow Taxi (Joni Mitchell, 1970) – singalong


Age 37 to 56 (2000-2020)

  • Oliver Rukavina
  • Peter Rukavina
  • Roy Johnstone, Niel Gow’s Lament (Niel Gow, 1805)

The celebration continues, afterward, in St. Paul’s Parish Hall, next door, with food, tea and coffee, some tunes, and a chance to chat. This portion will, alas, not be webcast.

Thank you to all who helped make today possible.


Submitted by Anna Keenan on


Sending love to you and your family.

I'm also sorry that I couldn't join you in person today. Thank you for sharing the beautiful service with everyone. What a woman. :)

Submitted by sherin pierce on


Thinking of you and Oliver today and of Catherine. Wish I was there in person but will watch and send you strength and comfort.

Submitted by Karen Skuce on


Thank you for sharing the celebration of life for Catherine with those of us from away. Sending big hugs and love your way. Karen

Submitted by Ton Zijlstra on


Thank you Peter for enabling us to join from afar. I am glad and grateful to have been part of the celebration of Catherine's life, and to hear the stories and memories. <3 Big hug, Ton

Submitted by Signe Andersen on


Thank you for making the video link available, Peter.
Beautiful words were said and just as many thought, no doubt.

Submitted by Darren Peters on


Beautiful celebration today Peter. I’m sharing with you a song my late mom wrote. As I told you today is the 3rd anniversary of her passing. Thinking of you and yours. DP

Blessing Song
Julie Carmichael Jackson

May your sleep be peaceful, my Dear Friend
While the angels keep watch over you
May your heart feel the mist of God’s gentle love
Like the grass with the morning dew

When the night has come and you’re tired
From the weight of the day’s work you’ve done
When it’s time to lay down your weary head
God be with you, my gentle one

May your sleep be peaceful, my Dear Friend
While the angels keep watch over you
May your heart feel the mist of God’s gentle love
Like the grass with the morning dew

With the stars of the night shining on you
May your worries and cares all depart
May tomorrow bring sunshine to your world
And may love find its place in your heart

May your sleep be peaceful, my Dear Friend
While the angels keep watch over you
May your heart feel the mist of God’s gentle love
Like the grass with the morning dew

May God’s peace be upon you

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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