The Mystery of the Lil’ Darlings

The standout culinary highlight of the fall was the new vegan pizza at Receiver Brass Shop’s Thursday night pizza-pasta: it is fantastic, and its freedom from animal products is remarkably incidental.

The key ingredient is labeled as “Lil’ Darlings Maple Sausages,” something that, according to the Internet, does not exist.

This week we solved the mystery, at Founders Hall: it turns out that Lil’ Darlings is a corporate side-hustle of Stir it Up, and soon we’ll be able to buy them at better Charlottetown food retailers.

We had the sausages for breakfast at Receiver Victoria Row last week and found they’re just as good for breakfast.

This is a great development.


Peter Rukavina's picture
Peter Rukavina on January 8, 2021 - 10:26 Permalink

Lil’ Darlings has an Instagram now, described as “Prince Edward Island’s first premium vegan foods and plant deli, by Using local and organic ingredients.”