Mad Men Season 3, Episode 1 Closing Credits Music

Peter Rukavina

Can you help me identify the fiddle instrumental that ran over the closing credits of this week’s episode of Mad Men?


Submitted by Craig Mackie on


I’m thinking this is Scottish, but that’s as far as I can take it. You have two phenomenal experts close by in Kendra MacGillivray and Patricia Murray. See if they know.

Submitted by Anonymous77 on


My guess is that it’s David Carbonara, the original composer for the series. He has a Mad Men Vol. 1 soundtrack you can find in iTunes. Let’s hope it is included in Vol. 2.

Submitted by kirkpati on


I started looking for this track when i had a lightbulb moment listening to ‘O Brother’ soundtrack.
Anyone think the song is a slow riff on Man of Constant Sorrow?…
Or am i just tone deaf?

Submitted by Arex on


I have been trying to find name of the song/artist/score played in season 3 episode 10 towards the beginning and again season 3 episode 11 when Don is in bed with Suzanne (on both occasions). Anyone know?


Submitted by Peter on



I&#39m also looking for that music in season 3 episode 11…. there&#39s a clarinet solo?  it&#39s beautiful.  Does anyone know what that is?

Submitted by Brooke on


I just watched episode 1 of season 3, and was mesmerized by that song!  Thanks so much!

Is there any way to download it somewhere?  Can’t seem to find it on itunes…….

Submitted by Sherwood on


So pleased to have found an answer to this question - and to have seen that others seem to have had a similar reaction to it. I’ve watched the series several times now but this theme just stopped me in my tracks this time.

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