Give a Laptop, Get a Laptop

Peter Rukavina

I’ve gone back and forth on the “one laptop per child” program, but it was Guy who convinced me of its ultimate virtues. Starting today people in Canada and the U.S. can participate in the Give One Get One program, ordering two of the “$100 laptops” for $399, with one going overseas and the other coming to them:

OLPC Give One Get One Poster


Submitted by Jane Boyd on


Thanks for posting about this opportunity. It seems like such a great idea. I will seriously consider it. It looks like it is a real win-win!

Submitted by Juke on


I met the developers of OLPC at the Game Developers Conf last year.
Great project, great people.
All I do is non for profit and in the back of my mind I hope my own project will fund them heavily in the future, no strings attached. Support them if you can!


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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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