Off to Berlin

Peter Rukavina

I’m off to Berlin tomorrow for a week of respite, renewing ties with old friends, and, at the end of the week, the Cognitive Cities Conference, which is shaping up to be an interesting weekend of ideas about urbanism, design and technology.

For old time’s sake I’ve resurrected my old Plazes account – yes, Plazes is still there chugging away silently – and with that, and Twitter and Google Latitude you’ll have a hard time not knowing exactly where I am and what I’m doing at any given time.

I’m staying in an apartment cum furniture showroom from VitaminBerlin on Graefestraße 10 in Kreuzberg.  Off to Berlin via Toronto and Munich on Air Canada tomorrow afternoon; back via Munich and Montreal on February 28th (travel details here).

Take care of the Island for me while I’m gone (and Happy Islander Day!).

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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