A little more detail about the new design of the Youngfolk & The Kettle Black coffee bags (which are now available at the Richmond Street location to hold your pound of coffee, should you wish).
The ungainliness of the coffee bags themselves makes them more difficult to print than simpler items: the press has to go through 4 rotations for me to set a bag in place, print it, set the throw-off lever so that it will stop printing, remove the bag, set it aside, and repeat. As such it took about an hour to print 80 bags, about 45 seconds per bag.
The quote comes from a book, All About Coffee, by William H. Ukers, digitized by Project Gutenberg and originally published in 1922 by “The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal Company” in New York, of which Ukers was editorial director.
The body copy is set in 24 point Futura, the “Y&TKB” is set in 60 point Akzidenz Grotesk.
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