Kara and Nate Fly to New York

I found my way to the YouTube channel of Kara and Nate by way of their journey on the Trans-Siberian in 2017.

Despite their increasing popularity, and thus their increasing “today’s episode is brought to you by Audible,” they’ve kept my attention as they continue their relentless life of travel.

Their latest episode, Birthday Party in Cathay Pacific First Class, is perhaps the perfect exploration of the absurdity and delight of permanent life on the road (their happenstance hookup with a trio of jetsetters is totally the kind of thing that happens to Catherine when she travels).

Ignore the promos and enjoy the unadulterated love of constant motion.

(Postscript: after arriving back in Vietnam, Kara and Nate got in a taxi to their hotel, and their taxi was involved in a collision).
