Help Wanted: Support Worker for Young Adult with Autism

Peter Rukavina

OliverWe are the parents of Oliver, a 17 year old young man on the autism spectrum.

We’re looking for a support person to work one-on-one with Oliver through the day during the summer, and for occasional overnight respite care. We’re primarily looking for someone to provide supervision and guidance and to allow Oliver to participate in community activities.

Oliver is a bright, funny, creative person with wide-ranging interests. He gets along well with adults, and has enjoyed working with one-on-one assistants for many years, developing strong bonds with them that have benefited both. While he has some challenges with communication, he’s verbal and expressive. He’s very digitally-engaged and has a broad online presence. He’s also very engaged in progressive issues, with particular interest in environmentalism, LGBTQ issues, and political and social collaboration.

Starting June 11, 2018 we’re looking for someone to spend time with Oliver on weekdays through the summer.

This doesn’t need to be every day, and we’re flexible on the schedule, but it will be a maximum of 30 hours per week. This could involve spending time at our house, doing activities downtown (bowling, library, art gallery, going for coffee), and going to the beach, etc. Oliver’s also enjoyed going overnight camping in previous summers, and he was a volunteer photographer at the Cloggeroo music festival last year.
Because Oliver’s interests are so wide-ranging, what we’re primarily looking for is someone engaged, flexible, and interested in many things. Oliver has a basket of challenges related to autism – anxiety, communication challenges, working memory issues – so you must be adaptable. Some experience with, and understanding of autism is preferred. We’ve had good experience with students in and graduates of the Human Services program at Holland College, but formal training is not a absolute requirement.

Oliver has an autism assistance dog, a hypoallergenic 6-year old poodle named Ethan that’s a trained and registered guide dog, so you must be comfortable working with and around dogs (we can provide training in how to work with Ethan).

We live right in the heart of Charlottetown, a block from Province House.

Pay is $15/hour plus vacation pay, and, as funding comes in part from the Disability Support Program, candidates must be at least 18 years old as of June 11.

Is this you? If so, please contact Peter Rukavina by email at

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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