The 3LA Podcast, Episode 9: RPG

Rocket Propelled Grenades are the subject of The 3LA Podcast for today.


Daniel's picture
Daniel on October 23, 2006 - 16:33 Permalink

Peter, have you considered adding a footnote to your acronym definitions with alternative definitions? I immediately thought you were going to discuss Role Playing Games in this podcast (perhaps even envisioning you sitting at the mic dressed in an RPG costume with sword and spear).

Daniel's picture
Daniel on October 23, 2006 - 16:36 Permalink

And then perhaps I’ll read your full definitions before offering redundant advice. Fully explained.

Marian's picture
Marian on October 23, 2006 - 17:54 Permalink

Speaking of explosions etc., we’re having more riots here. I have posted photos and a recording of myself in the riot (walking through it) on my blog. I thought you might be interested.

Marian's picture
Marian on October 23, 2006 - 20:24 Permalink

For the recording of me walking through the riots with the helicopters and rubber bullets and stuff you have to click on the words “This is what it sounds like” in the post called: Riot Police Clash With Nationalists At Deak Ter.