Open Minecraft Lab in the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island

Peter Rukavina

Two of the participants in Open Minecraft Lab were Hon. Doug Currie, Prince Edward Island Minister of Health and Wellness, and his daughter. The following week, when I took a school PD morning to attend a sitting of the Legislative Assembly with my son, Minister Currie recognized us in the gallery, and this was captured in the day’s Hansard:

Also, I would like to acknowledge that we have Peter Rukavina in the gallery today, and I believe his son Oliver is with him. Last week I had an opportunity – last Saturday – my daughter and I went to his open lab, Minecraft, which is an activity and a game that the children play in communities, and a very popular game, but was quite impressed with the volume of students that were participating, and Peter’s vision for the game in respect to using it as educational opportunities in math and strategy and architecture. I want to point that out and (Indistinct).

I’m not sure what the Minister finished with that was “indistinct” – perhaps it was “and ensure Peter that he has this government’s support in anything he ever wishes to do,” but that might be simply wishful thinking. Thanks to Minister Currie – who you can follow on Twitter at @DougCurrie – for coming out with his daughter, and for taking the time to make what might have been the first mention of Minecraft is a legislature.

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