Your system is now rebooting

Peter Rukavina

The one way to be absolutely sure that I’ll actually do something is to watch and see if I publicly announce that I won’t be doing it.

And so, heeding the siren call of Air Canada, I spent the wee hours of this morning, between about 1:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m., in a fuzzy haze of air ticket, hotel and conference booking, all towards getting me to Reboot 7.0 in Copenhagen next week.

Of course I ignored my own “book your hotel first” travel rule, and so about 2:15 a.m. I ended up with a confirmed, non-refundable air ticket, a paid-up conference registration, and no place to stay. Thrashing around various hotel and tourism websites, I put a couple of lines in the water before I finally fell into bed.

When I got up, 5 hours later, there were only “no room” rejection letters in my in-box, so I launched at it again before coming in to work. In the end, I found a room at the CAB Inn Scandinavia through the last-minute discounter RatesToGo. Although this felt a tad too much like buying drugs from a guy in the bus station, I was ready for anything by the time it rolled around.

You can follow along on the reboot website (here’s my profile, which uses the word tiny a lot — it was 3:30 a.m. after all). I’ll be blogging, podcasting, and making tiny ornate sketches throughout the event, so you can sit back and play the home game if you’re interested.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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