You can’t predict foliage…

File this under “best foliage quote of the year.” In this L.A. Times story, Yankee’s Internet Editor Barbara Hall is quoted:

And yet, “You can’t predict foliage,” said Barbara Hall, Internet editor of Yankee “We’re not in charge of it; it just happens.”

Foliage is my obsession this week as we help Yankee prepare for the fall colours (or, in their language, fall colors). Watch if you’re going to be in New England for the next while (or if you’re just leaf-obsessed).


oliver's picture
oliver on September 5, 2005 - 16:06 Permalink, at , is one of the largest and most sophisticated websites.”

Is this the famed Los Angeles Times hyperventilating over the work of PEI-based, Rukavina owned-and-operated Reinvented??