Wild Man with Gesticulating Hands

Peter Rukavina

AniPete I consider myself a rather shy, quiet, and reserved person. The image I have of the “real inside me” is that little kid in grade four who had to be counselled by Mr. Dykstra, my teacher, about the importance of playing with other kids, and not hanging out around the corner alone playing in the dirt all the time.

Or that much elder fellow who, when faced without the careful guidance of my lady love at a party one night at Catherine Hennessey’s, spent the entire night glued to a chair in the corner (something Ms. Hennessey has never let me forget, to the extent where I am no longer welcome to sit in that particular chair).

Needless to say, in this light, I’ve never considered myself a gesticulator. But as this video [10.3MB QuickTime Movie], kindly provided by Daniel Burka, of last night’s session clearly demonstrates, I have somehow become one.

Watching this might force me back into my shell forever…


Submitted by Rob Paterson on


Thank you Peter
You knw that Lenin and Loyala stared two big movements with a lot less folks than we had - who knows? Even JC had less

Submitted by Chris on


I enjoyed the introduction a lot. The ease of adding information to your weblog has prompted me to pickup an sql book and seriously consider something more permanent than the included 5mb with islandtel’s highspeed. ( http://www3.islandtelecom.com/… ) My weblog is named “News”, hardcoded then uploaded via ftp. The Wabbit Cam is the anchor attraction.

Submitted by Andrew Chisholm on


I wanted to attend the event but I’m still in Halifax… I would have loved to speak a bit on the project I’ve been working on for several months now. Some of you might have stumbled upon it, it’s called “The Good Kid Network”. The concept: Give blogs to my friends and their friends and their friends and so on… So we can all read up on each other when ever we blog… Check it out if you want: www.TheGoodKid.com

From what I seen in the clip Peter, you’re a good speaker.

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About This Blog

Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

To learn more about me, read my /nowlook at my bio, listen to audio I’ve posted, read presentations and speeches I’ve written, or get in touch (peter@rukavina.net is the quickest way). 

I have been writing here since May 1999: you can explore the 25+ years of blog posts in the archive.

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