WiFi to Timothy's

Peter Rukavina

From today’s Telecom Update:

Spotnik Mobile has agreed to provide 802.11b service in Timothy’s World Coffee cafes across the country.



Submitted by Will on


That’s awesome.

You know, I get the sneaking suspicion that a few years from now we’ll look back on the excitement over wireless internet much as we do on the period where broadband connections became common.

Submitted by Isaac on


It’s hard to tell from spotnik’s site - but it appears that this won’t be a free service - but a pay by the half hour sort of thing. Its definatly good for all parties involved - users know where to find hotspots fairly easily, and all Timothy’s outlets attract users for the same reason.

But I hope we can manage to leverage wifi charlottetown into something that will be useful (and free) to the community.

Look for another open access point at 237 Prince St (near the old Y for those in the know) coming in august

Submitted by Christopher on


I hope so, Will. We have high speed wireless running for 15km or so around Summerside and we have always said it should be thought of like wallpaper: the pipe isn’t the issue (once it’s there) - it’s what people do with it.

Submitted by Ken on


So, if I had an 802.11 wi-fi card and line of site to the water tower, or whatever, could I have free internet right now in Summerside?

Are there any settings I need to know about?

Submitted by Campbell Webster on


For the record, the free wi-fi right now in Timothy’s Charlottetown is courtesy of the Silver Orange boys and is in fact free. The spotnik plan is something the chain is doing - but we were first in Ch’town. Just as we were first in the chain to offer Fair Trade coffee, and now the whole chain is selling it!

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Actually, the WiFi coverage for Timothy’s right now comes courtesy of the Little Mac Shoppe and SpellRead Canada (where the wireless access point is based). Dale and Pat, with Dave Moses’ backing, have graciously had this WiFi in place for over a year now, and I laud them for their public-minded-ness. The connection has been experiencing some flakiness recently, but I’ve been working with Dale to smooth this out.

The silverorange boys are simply enthusiastic consumers of this generosity. As am I.

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