Who needs a reason to go to West Royalty?

Peter Rukavina

Charlottetown bus route #2 starts tomorrow (Wednesday, Oct. 12th). This route runs from downtown out North River Rd. ending up at the West Royalty Industrial Park and stopping at the Atlantic Superstore, Ellen’s Creek Plaza, Maypoint Plaza and the Queens Arms corner along the way.

Something I didn’t realize until I had to type in the entire schedule was that the different routes all intersect at the Confederation Centre of the Arts at the same time, allowing transfers from route to route. So starting tomorrow you could travel from, say, Queen Charlottetown School to Sears by taking route #2 and then route #1.

And starting next week, you could travel from Winsloe Petro Canada to Mel’s Petro Canada in East Royalty by taking route #1 then route #4. The possibilities are endless.

The Interactive Charlottetown Bus Map stands ready to help you get mobile.


Submitted by Jevon on


For all their marketing efforts, the city couldn’t buy the value of having someone write about the new bus system as well as you have been. Thanks Peter!

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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