White House to Outsource Communications to AOL Time Warner

Peter Rukavina

In a move that has stunned even conservative pundits, White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer today announced that, effective immediately, communications activities related to the White House will be taken over by AOL Time Warner.

“We realize this may appear to be an unusual move,” said Fleischer, “however we feel that the synergies that this arrangement affords us both are simply too attractive to pass up.”

Don Logan, Chairman of AOL Time Warner’s Media & Communications Group, echoed Fleischer’s sentiments: “We believe in the mission of the White House, and I think we’ve been effectively communicating that through our vertical markets for some time now. This new arrangement is simply the next logical step for us both.”

In a hastily assembled news conference at the newly christened “Jack Warner West Wing Press Dome,” Fleischer and Logan briefed members of the press on the specifics of the outsourcing agreement.

More details as they are revealed.


Submitted by Kim on


Curious…I have always been skeptical of the extent of free speech surrounding the press - now more than ever. The psychological campaign of the Bush administration now rises to new levels.

Dozens of news correspondents “embedded” with armed forces in Iraq claim to be providing the general public with an insider view of the facts when actually it is just another psychological warfare tactic. Do we really think that President Bush would allow these correspondents to report from within the armed forces if it somehow did not benefit his agenda? Now that AOL Time Warner, the parent company for CNN has this contract it will be interesting to see the propoganda reporting throughout the conflict in Iraq. CNN - “The most trusted name in news”? Don’t get me wrong. I’m glued to the idiot box watching CNN probably more than most but this is only because it is reality TV at it’s best. CNN definitely has the monopoly on dramatic news reporting.

I am reminded of a recent episode of either “This Hour Has 22 Minutes” or “Royal Canadian Air Farce” where the actors parodied CNN portraying how this news channel can report for days on “nothing happening” - too true.

Submitted by Wayne on


Did you know the Israeli government are directing American military operations in the Middle East, and have ordered the 101st calvary to push on to Damascus? This has been all part of their plan, and to get American military in the area in the first place,they had secret Massaud agents fly the planes into the Trade Center Towers.

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