Where To Vote

Peter Rukavina

We’ve just updated the Find your Electoral District tool with polling locations for the upcoming Provincial General Election. As in 2003 there’s a much wider range of voting options available, with a week of advance voting (two full-day Advance Polls followed by four half-day Returning Office polls). Just enter your civic address and you can find out what your location locations are.


Submitted by Elaine on


A great tool to have, given the confusion surrounding the electoral boundaries issue.

And not criticizing your efforts, or those of Mr. Croken, but having ridings on PEI is a bit of a farce. Why can’t MLA’s be elected at large? We are a small tiny island and a “closed system” which would seem to be ideal for such an experiment.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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