Years ago, when I was equipping my first print shop, Alan Preston, then personable owner of Hearts & Flowers, gifted me a used paper cutter, of the type you might remember from public school. I’ve been using it ever since, and it’s served me well: I’ve made tens of thousands of cuts with it

In recent months, though, it's been clear that the blade was getting dull, and the paper "cutter" was becoming more a paper "slasher," with unsatisfying results. Intervention was needed.
I have been a neighbour of Langille Sharpening Service, two blocks away at 111 Hillsborough Street, for almost 25 years. I'd never been inside, and I'd always been curious, if a little afraid of what I might find. A few weeks ago I decided to throw caution to the wind and I called them up, explained my need, and their hearty reply was "bring the whole thing in, board and all, and we'll sharpen both the blade and the part it cuts against."
I dropped it off on a Friday, got my claim ticket, and picked it up as scheduled the following Monday.
It's like a brand new paper cutter! The best $40 I've spent in a long time.
I highly recommend Langille's for all your industrial sharpening needs.
We used Langille's for as…
We used Langille's for as long as I remember to have our saw blades (all types) sharpened. Always exceptional.
One thing to note, in case…
One thing to note, in case you come looking here for information: they no longer sharpen lawnmower blades. Their advice: go and buy a new one.
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