What’s the worst thing that could happen!?

Peter Rukavina

One of the gifts—actually maybe the only gift—of having your partner up and die on you is that it’s a complete reset for what’s the worst thing that could happen!?

It has taken a long time for me to conceive of this as a gift, but I’m coming around, and committing (usually very) small acts of heretofore inconceivable bravery.

Today I found myself with a slightly bruised heart, and instead of crawling under the covers, I decided instead to level up, and went to Laurie Murphy’s Improv Drop-in Class at the Haviland Club.

I was terrified at the prospect, and, to be honest, I almost bolted, even as I was climbing the stairs up to the front door.

But I didn’t bolt.

I did walk in the front door.

And joined a small but hearty band of two others, improv newbies each of us, in 90 minutes of improvisational derring-do.

And I loved it.

Perhaps not surprising for someone who’s long dreamed of joining a competitive charades league. But charades is an individual sport where improv is a team sport, and absolutely everything that was great about tonight had to do with being vulnerable with strangers.

It was exactly what I needed.

Laurie’s classes are drop-in, run every Monday night in November from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and are $25 a night. She proved a patient, encouraging teacher who helped us all stretch out of our comfort zones.

I’ll be back next week.


Submitted by Laurie Murphy on


Aw, thank you! I'm very happy you're in the class and sharing yourself and your gifts. See you Mondays in December :).

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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