The energetic folks at goPEI! invited me to join them today for the announcement of Walk a Lot, their project to encourage Islanders to get out and explore the Samuel Holland township lots in this, the 250th year since they were first surveyed. I was there to talk about, my own little contribution to the Holland 250 commemoration.
One little hack begets another, and I was prompted, as the result of a conversation at the launch event, to calculate the number of lots through which the Confederation Trail passes.
Which, in turn, prompted me to wonder: how many lots have I passed through in the last year?
Fortunately, I’ve been tracking my location, minute by minute, for the last year, so this is an easy question to answer using exactly the same techniques that I used for the trail.
I started with the Holland Map and my personal GPS breadcrumbs:
I then used the point-in-polygon tool of QGIS to calculate how may lots I’d set foot (or car tire) in over the last almost-365-days.
The result?
I’ve visited 52 lots and 2 royalties over the last year.
The lots and royalty that I haven’t visited yet are:
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 15
- 18
- 20
- 46
- 47
- 54
- 59
- 61
Here’s what they look like on a map, with the lots I haven’t visited shaded in blue:
It’s obviously high time to go on a tour of public schools in West Prince, and to visit Lower Montague and Panmure Island, Bridgetown, East Point, Malpeque and the Evangeline Region.