What happened to Anne's parents?

Peter Rukavina

Cynthia’s post this morning made me realize that I don’t know what actually happened to Anne’s parents. How did Anne get orphaned?


Submitted by oliver on


Says my sweetheart Sophie

“They died of some disease (I don’t remember whether it’s named) within a
few weeks of each other when Anne was a baby. It’s mentioned in book
three (Anne of the Island) when Anne is visiting her friend Phillipa.”

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Sophie is right: Chapter 21 says “ ‘Yes, the Shirleys lived here twenty years ago,’ she said, in answer to Anne’s question. ‘They had it rented. I remember ‘em. They both died of fever at onct. It was turrible sad. They left a baby. I guess it’s dead long ago. It was a sickly thing. Old Thomas and his wife took it — as if they hadn’t enough of their own.’”

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