Last year at this time, I wrote a little bit about how Eddie’s Lunch, which is just down the street from us, is the heart of our community.
Well, earlier this year, just about the time we started our own home renovations, Eddie’s closed for expansion. At the time they planned to be open in a month or two, after expanding into the other half of their building. Well, spring came and went, our renovations were done, summer started, and now we’re almost in the fall… 5 months later and, finally, Eddie’s opened again in its new expanded format today.
They’ve done a good job. The “new” Eddie’s isn’t as, well, cosy as the old one. But they’ve managed to preserve some of the atmosphere of the old while creating a whole bunch more room. We dropped in tonight — the end of their first day open — and you could see the relief and excitement on the face of the woman we know only as “Mrs. Eddie” (although she isn’t married to Eddie, and never was; Eddie drives a cab now and is her brother? brother in law? We’ll have to get the full story now!).
There have been 100 times in the last 5 months where our thirst for Eddie’s has had to go unslaked. As of tonight, we need thirst no longer. Drop by Eddie’s yourself this weekend and welcome them back to our community!
Eddie’s has now become a family affair: three daughters are now involved in the day to day. Presumably this will wane once school starts.