Weekend Party in Pictures

Peter Rukavina

Brian Bauld graciously provided the following photo of the big Catherine Hennessey shindig on Saturday. You can shop Brian’s B-Line Books store as a measure of saying thanks.

Clockwise from the top-left, the photos are as follows:

  • Brian’s wife Valerie (far-left), Susan Mackenzie talking with Paul and Jane Michael and Kim Devine.
  • Valerie, Catherine Hennessey (in the hat), Karen Mair showing off her fantastic deal of a purse from the 70-mile Coastal Yard Sale, me.
  • Catherine’s sister Betty, Catherine holding her shoes, purchased in Florence.
  • Ivan Dowling singing up a storm (two onlookers unidentified).
  • Ivan moves from singing to dancing while Catherine’s brother-in-law Claude (white golf shirt), several Orfords, and several anonymous guests look on.
  • The Cake. Courtesy of the chefs at the Delta Hotel. Notice the flowing fruit river.
  • An anonymous arm talking to Don Stewart, me, Gary Carroll (looking every inch like Cary Grant), Valerie, Susan Mackenzie, Jane Michael.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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