Earlier this morning Terry Howatt thoughtfully left a comment here about a meeting tonight of the PEI Electric Vehicle Association in South Melville.
As I’m curious about such things, and eager to learn more from people who aren’t try to sell me something, I dropped a line to my new friend Trudy (who also came to me by way of this blog) to see if she wanted to go to the meeting with me. Trudy is almost two months into her own experience as an electric vehicle owner: she purchased a Chevy Bolt at the end of May.
Trudy quickly wrote back, said she was game, and offered me a drive. When she showed up at my place at 5:45, she hopped out of the driver’s seat and offered me the opportunity to drive the Bolt, which I eagerly accepted.
When we arrived at Harry Smith’s house in South Melville we were greeted by three Nissan Leafs, a Tesla Model S, a Tesla Model 3, a homebrew SUV conversion, and another Bolt. And an enthusiastic group of EV owners and owners-to-be.
The proceedings were informal, the refreshments were well-turned-out, and the group proved generous and willing to answer my endless stream of questions.
Driving Trudy’s Bolt was a joy: it’s fun to drive, comfortable and roomy; after 20 minutes I forgot that I was driving an electric car.
If you’re interested in attending the next monthly meeting, or if you simply have questions about electric vehicles, you can contact the group by email at peieva2019@gmail.com.

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